Well ahead of Systems currently available on the market – its SMART…
"CumulusGate Licensing allow us to fully concentrate on developing products for our clients, thanks to this easy and safe licensing integration solution.
We've enjoyed delivering our apps through CumulusGate Licensing since day 1 and we feel that our intellectual property is protected."
Jonas Grazys (Complete-CAD, https://complete-cad.com)
Our licensing service is cloud-based and provides "floating" or "node-locked" licenses to your end-users.
This is a modern approach to how we work and allow users to access software that they paid for from wherever they may be, without the need for usb-dongles; or server licenses; or annoying license key files sent back-and-forth.
Our libraries are obfuscated with our very own, maximum strength, anti-reverse engineering compilers and authorization information is transferred from our license server to your application using the best possible encryption.
Our authentication system is lightning-fast and requires minimal data traffic, using maximum security https and hsts protocols, combined with SHA-256 encryption.
Using our dedicated user-level management areas, easily manage your client licenses, whether single users or Enterprise users.
Single end-users also have the ability to view their own usage, and to shop for additional licenses.
We also understand that your users might have interrupted internet access at times, this is why we've added a "grace period" sample function to our sample solutions (further down this page) which you may choose to implement in your own solutions.
Enterprise users are provided with a "User Management" area where elected Enterprise Administrators have the ability to manage their own groups of users. This is great for large organisations using bulk licensing.
You also have the ability to link your business PayPal and / or Stripe account(s) to your published applications, enabling an automated "license purchase-to-license assignment" process.
We also offer an optional trial facility so that you are able to provide trial licensing automatically to your users.
Our extension libraries can be downloaded through Nuget packages when using Visual Studio or directly from this site (scroll further down this page).
Integrating our service into your own applications is easy and requires minimal coding!
You may choose how and where to integrate licensing into your software, through our service.
We currently support .Net Framework and JavaScript - more to follow soon.
A Developer Management Area allows you to specify license behaviour and automation, while tracking current users and soon-to-expire licenses and usage.
You may sign up and use this service free of charge. Enjoy the full features of CumulusGate Licensing while in trial mode.
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